Academic journal publishing faces more challenges and opportunities than ever before. This roundtable brings together editors from journals focusing on history and/or philosophy of biology to reflect on where journal publishing in these subfields is headed, how their outlets are contributing, and how scholars in these fields can assist as well as what they would like to see. Issues under discussion will include the norm of double blind review and competing options, open access requirements and processes, fresh approaches to methods in our fields, audience expectations, the reviewing process, convening special issues, creative approaches to interdisciplinary scholarship, collaborative publication, and continuous and electronic publication models. All with interests in these fields or in these important questions for history and philosophy of science are encouraged to attend and contribute to the dialogue!
Organized by Rachel Ankeny (University of Adelaide)
Ravenna B, Third Floor History of Science Society 2018 meeting@hssonline.orgAcademic journal publishing faces more challenges and opportunities than ever before. This roundtable brings together editors from journals focusing on history and/or philosophy of biology to reflect on where journal publishing in these subfields is headed, how their outlets are contributing, and how scholars in these fields can assist as well as what they would like to see. Issues under discussion will include the norm of double blind review and competing options, open access requirements and processes, fresh approaches to methods in our fields, audience expectations, the reviewing process, convening special issues, creative approaches to interdisciplinary scholarship, collaborative publication, and continuous and electronic publication models. All with interests in these fields or in these important questions for history and philosophy of science are encouraged to attend and contribute to the dialogue!
Organized by Rachel Ankeny (University of Adelaide)