Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

Purpose of Collecting Your Information

By registering to attend the History of Science Society (HSS) 2018 Annual Meeting, you will be entering into a contract with HSS and it will be necessary for HSS to collect your personal data in order to perform HSS’s contractual obligation to you, including processing registration applications, registration fees, printing name badges, providing information to meeting participants, planning for sessions and related events, and making all necessary logistic arrangements for the HSS 2018 Meeting.

Information We Collect

As indicated on the HSS 2018 Meeting registration page, the types of personally identifiable information HSS collects includes your name, email address, affiliation, and demographic information. HSS may also collect information that does not identify you personally, such as your area of interest and field of work, so HSS may utilize the information collected to prepare programs most relevant and beneficial to HSS 2018 Meeting participants and HSS members.

HSS may continue to use information you provided to us through the HSS 2018 Meeting registration process (which includes information submitted through the website hss2018.hssonline.org and other pages on the same domain or subdomain) to further HSS’s mission purpose and benefit HSS members. Any user who gives consent to personal data (i.e., a data subject) can withdraw consent at any time by contacting the History of Science Society.

How We Share and Disclose Information

It is HSS’s general policy not to share, sell, or rent information you provided through the 2018 HSS Meeting registration process to any third party processors for their promotional use or for marketing purposes. You may also opt-out of receiving promotional information from HSS by following the “unsubscribe” instructions included as part of the email communication.

HSS Agents: HSS contracts with Dryfta to process registration of the HSS 2018 Meeting. In addition, your personal information may be used within HSS or by a company acting as an agent of HSS to provide operational support pertaining to the HSS 2018 Meeting, including but not limited to payment through Stripe and Paypal Express, system maintenance, printing, emailing, mailing, and surveying.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, HSS may disclose your personal information as required by law or as needed in legal proceedings when HSS believes in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request.

Data Security

When you submit information to register for the HSS 2018 Meeting, you should be aware that your information is transmitted across the Internet and that no method of transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. Although HSS and its agents and data processors take reasonable security measures to protect your information when we receive it, you also need to ensure you take appropriate steps to protect your information, such as refraining from transmitting information through open WiFi connection.

Cookie Policy

“Cookies” are files that contain information created by a web server that can be stored on a user’s hard disk for future use. The HSS 2018 Meeting registration website uses cookies for functional purposes to keep the content of the website up-to-date and running. The registration website also uses Cookies for analytical purposes to quantify the visits (traffic) on the website. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. However, if the user declines the attachment of any cookie, the user may not have access to the full benefits of the website.

Respectful Behavior Policy

Freedom of expression and vigorous debate are crucial to scholarly exchange. The History of Science Society strongly values mutual respect and strives to provide an environment for exchange that is free from bias and intimidation. The Society is dedicated to securing a safe, hospitable, and productive environment for everyone. Accordingly, the Society deplores all harassment and is sensitive to the harm suffered by persons who experience it. We expect speakers and questioners at our meetings to demonstrate self-control and civility, even in the midst of strong disagreement, and not to engage in ad hominem attacks. Furthermore, we expect those participating in the Society’s meetings and events to treat others with respect and not to engage in behavior that is discriminatory, intimidating, threatening, or harassing. This expectation applies to our speakers, staff, volunteers, and attendees.

Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Standards

The Society prohibits any unwelcome conduct that is based on an individual’s sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, race, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, disability, or employment status and that creates an environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive. Harassment may include such actions as: (1) inappropriate physical contact; (2) inappropriate jokes or verbal kidding or teasing; (3) verbal abuse and epithets; (4) degrading comments; (5) the display of offensive or sexually suggestive objects or pictures; (6) conduct or comments of a lewd or lascivious nature, including subtle pressure for sexual activity; (7) repeated offensive sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions; and (8) any other conduct that the individual (or group of individuals) might reasonably find to be intimidating, hostile, offensive, coercive, or threatening. Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature or consensual personal and social relationships.


If an individual or group of individuals believes that they have experienced any violation of this policy at a Society meeting or event, the person or group should report the incident immediately to the Society Ombudsperson (ombudsperson@hssonline.org). Although anyone may seek advice from the Ombudsperson, only the individual or individuals alleging that they have been harassed may file a complaint. The Ombudsperson shall listen to the grievance, describe the policy and procedures, outline issues of privacy and confidentiality, and discuss possible courses of action regarding the filing or non-filing of a formal complaint. The Ombudsperson shall take all reasonable efforts to maintain in strict confidence the identity of individuals reporting an incident and the person or persons implicated in an incident. The Ombudsperson shall prepare for Council annually an aggregate, anonymized summary of all such reported incidents. If an individual elects to file a formal complaint, that person must describe the incident in a non-confidential written statement delivered to the Ombudsperson within sixty (60) calendar days of the alleged conduct and preferably immediately following the incident. The Ombudsperson will provide the statement concurrently to the accused party or parties and to the three-person Respectful Behavior Review Committee. The accused party may elect to file a written response, and if so, the written response must be filed with the Ombudsperson within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the initial written complaint. The Chair of the Committee shall contact both parties to discuss the incident and determine whether there is a mutually acceptable resolution. If no such resolution can be found, the Committee shall determine whether the incident constituted harassment under the terms of this Policy. If the Committee determines the incident constituted harassment, it shall furnish a report of the incident, the Committee’s findings, and a recommended sanction, if any, to the Secretary of the Council within sixty (60) days.


The Council shall consider the case. If a majority of the entire Council concurs with the recommendations of the Committee, the Council Executive Committee shall issue a written reprimand including any sanctions banning the individual from future meetings and/or revoking the individual’s membership. The Secretary of the Council will report the outcome to all parties involved, which is final. Society Ombudsperson: ombudsperson@hssonline.org.

Approved by HSS Council, 7 June 2017

Statement on Scholarly Conduct

HSS believes scholarly conduct should adhere to the highest ethical and professional standards. The Society expects contributors to its publications and meetings to present original work that respects the integrity of the research process and that conforms to rigorous standards in the citation and acknowledgment of the work of other scholars. The American Historical Association’s Statement on Standards of Professional Conduct is a useful guide.

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