Dependent Care Grant Application

The History of Science Society will offer grants of up to $200 to assist delegates who require additional dependent care during the meeting.

Please note that:

  • Only one caretaker per family may apply for a grant.
  • Graduate students, independent scholars, and early careerists are eligible, with priority given to those who appear on the program.
  • The funds available may not meet all of the needs of applicants.
  • The deadline for applications is 1 September 2017.

Eligible expenses:

  • Caretakers, either onsite or for extra expenses for additional care required at home.
  • Airfare/hotel for a caregiver to accompany the dependent to the meeting site.

Ineligible expenses:

  • Meals, onsite transportation, or other entertainment costs.
  • Normal dependent care expenses unrelated to and unaffected by meeting attendance.
  • Normal expenses incurred by the attendee for participation in the meeting (e.g., flight, hotel, meals, registration).
  • Travel costs for the dependent.

Confirm Email*
Employment Status*
Are you participating in the 2018 meeting?*
How much funding are you requesting?*
Maximum amount awarded: $200
Please describe the anticipated use of dependent care funds, including a brief budget.*(Up to 1000 Words)